Auchmill Golf Club is an organisation that owes its existence to a community’s determination to succeed.

The original 9-hole golf course at Auchmill was officially opened for play on 14th October 1975. Brian Hugget, Ryder Cup player Neil Coles and Golf architect Roger Dyer all took a part in designing it. The first person to tee off that day was John Tosh from Westhill who strode up to the first at 8 am.

Many local people and clubs played on the old 9-hole Auchmill Course, such as the local pub teams Lord Byron, Auchmill Inn, Dancing Cairns and Sunnybank Football Club Golf Sections. It was a busy course, and due to the lack of facilities there it was not unusual for members to change into their golf clothing in their cars. There was a starting box at the course, and this can still be seen today from the clubhouse. There was no booking at that time and many occasions it was first come first by placing your ball in a tray alongside other.

The Council decided to extend the course and 3rd October 1989 the18-hole course was officially opened by Sandy Pirie. Many in the golf fraternity will know of Sandy who was a green keeper at Hazlehead and in addition during the 1960’s and 70’s was also one of the best amateur golfers in Scotland. He did so well in golfing that he represented Scotland in Internationals and the Great Britain & Ireland Group in the Walker Cup.

Due to the popularity of the new 18 hole course a meeting was called on 4th September 1989 to which all those who were interested in forming a Golf Club and building a clubhouse were invited to attend. The meeting was held in the Anchorage Bar, Market Street, Aberdeen and 77 people turned up for this event. From this a steering committee of 10 were selected, and they went onto lead the expansion of the club.

Amongst the first jobs that had to be tackled was the drafting of the club’s Constitution and also an application had to the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews to become a club. Each member of the Steering Committee was learning as they were going along. However, if a hurdle did appear the group always managed to overcome it such was their ambition to provide facilities.

Once the formalities such as this were out of the way, 50 members each put £100 into a bank account, which had been especially set up for the new club. Obviously, this wasn’t enough money for them to reach the goal and so each week a sweeper was sold to help increase funds. In addition to this the club received a loan from the brewers. Then an approach was made to Councillor Neil Cooney who at that time was the local Councillor. . He said that when any of the Steering Committee had a problem they would go to him, and he would say to leave it to him. It was Councillor Neil Cooney who managed to get a grant of £40,000 from the council to assist in developing much needed funds.

Once the finances had all been agreed it was then full speed ahead to get everything finished.

On the 21 March 1992, the clubhouse opened, present were Councillor Neil Cooney, as were representatives from other golf clubs etc. Following this, the public were invited to become members and within a very short time there were over 700 members. Unlike the majority of other golf clubs throughout Scotland, Auchmill was amongst the first to open its doors to women members who were then and still remain a very committed and busy part of the club. But it is not only the women of the club who have done well, as both the Junior Section and Adult Section have proved that they still have the determination to succeed. This was shown when the club took part in the Maitland Shield and won it in 1997. This was a big accomplishment for a small club and one which all members are proud of.

The new facilities at the club are vast improvement from what they had been previously. Members no longer had to change in their cars, but instead have the appropriate changing rooms with shower areas. With our new clubhouse it was then able to appeal to the non-golfing partners of many members. This was due to the catering facilities and also the bingo and dancing entertainment, which is held every week. In the short history the club has amassed an amazing amount of cups and trophies. This is a reflection of how highly regarded the club is by many of its founder members and companies in the Aberdeen area, as these were the people who donated the majority of its silverware.

The club has not been without its share of problems, and one of these was the old 4th and 5th holes. It was found that they were a hazard, due to their position being on a slope and close proximity to the housing estate of Heathryfold. New holes were made and the council then planted the Auchmill Community Woodland on this area of ground. It is a very beautiful area and also a popular one for local people when they are either out walking or exercising their dogs. In addition to this there are tracks, which skirt around the course, which a number of people also use for a stroll on a nice summer’s evening.

In 2007 the Council announced that it was considering building a school and up to 700 houses in the land this included taking away sections of the new 13th & 14 holes that replaced the old 4th and 5 the holes as this was needed as an access road. Once again the members rallied and with the support of Forbes Marr one of Scotland’s top planning advisors we took on the council. The result was that they had to provide 2 new holes of equal or better quality before the road goes ahead a small but significant victory. These holes are now in the process of being built, one is a long par 4 and the other is a Long Par 5 they will enhance the course features in providing a challenge for all golfing abilities and should be ready for the start of 2015 season.

Golf Buggies, were purchase with the assistance of a grant of £5k from Aberdeen City Council to ensure that members who were disabled or less able could continue to participate in golf. I am glad to say they have been a success and our initial outlay has been recouped.

A major highlight for the juniors was when they who won the “Off the Tee Trophy” on home turf on 19 August 2012. This was a gruelling competition as the Juniors first had to play a semi-final against Oldmeldrum at 9.00am in the morning, which the won by 4 holes. The scene as set for a match against Inchmarlo who had beaten Royal Aberdeen by 7 holes in the morning. The match commenced at 1.30 Anthony Harkin; Chris Polson; Jay Hutton and Thomas Burnett came home with a victory by 3 holes. This victory raised our stature in the North East as the “Off the Tee” Trophy is the Junior equivalent of the Maitland Shield.

The club is now working hard to improve the Junior Section recently A group of six members completed a Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Golf. The club has joined the Northfield Sports Club and is looking forward to increasing junior membership for next year.

What does the future hold? Well we have the challenge of taking over the running of the course and of course we have the challenge of ensuring that the two new holes are provided as agreed.

Auchmill Golf Club was established due to the commitment and dedication of its members, the same commitment and determination will ensure our future.

Gordon Graham
Captain Auchmill Golf Club